A few months ago my wife sat here and stated that she believed her actions spoke for themselves. I wish to reiterate her sentiments.
We met the morning after war was declared at a meetinghouse
for worship to submit ourselves to an authority higher than the
one this court represents.
      And our actions spoke for themselves.
We dressed in black to mourn and lament the lives already lost
to economic sanctions as well as the Iraqi and American lives
that were going to be lost in this upcoming war.
      And our actions spoke for themselves.
We covered our mouths with tape because our president and
congress refused to listen to the majority of people in this
country and the overwhelming majority of global opinion when we
said, "No war on Iraq".
      And our actions spoke for themselves.
We sat in front of this building, declaring that business
would not go on as usual.
      And our actions spoke for themselves.
We were removed, bound in cuffs, and placed behind bars - some
three dozen to a cell - and we sang songs of joy and freedom
and liberation. The sounds floated out of our cell and joined in
harmony with those in the next cell and the song was free and the
message of liberation could not be contained within walls made of
stone and iron. We witnessed to another way of life and we saw it
manifest in our voices and felt it in our souls.
      And our actions spoke for themselves.