Statement made about 3/20/03 Civil Disobedience 
Protesting the war in Iraq
Marlene Santoyo
9 December 2003

Be a Foot soldier for Peace!

Many of you have asked, "What can I do that would be helpful?"

Will you come out and vigil at the Philadelphia Federal Courthouse on Christmas eve day, or another day between the 18th and the 24th?

We will be getting out of prison Xmas eve night. Is this not a powerful statement? Does this not speak for life, the opportunity for rebirth & the role that you and I play in defining my/our role; being in solidarity with all our children and with the mothers and families of Baghdad and North Philadelphia?

I ask and hope that all will ask your communities to come out & vigil at 6th & Market, the U.S. Federal Building in Philadelphia. Invite family & friends from each and every Quaker Meeting, church, supporters of Brandywine Peace Community, Women in Black, Women's International League for Peace for and Freedom, school or college, Freedom for CHOICE and your community to come together and vigil. Make and bring signs.

Bring your children & grandchildren. What better way to "Learn Peace"? Contact the media, local, federal and national.

Please use me, use my time in prison as a tool and opportunity for Peace.

I go to prison for myself and my conscience. As a Quaker and a Jew, I remember that years ago other Jews, Gypsies & Gays were taken off to Auschwitz and other concentration camps. At that time, some stood aside saying, "I'm not a Jew. This doesn't affect me". Today, some believe that what is happening to Iraqi children today doesn't affect them. You and I know otherwise.

Vigil! Join in community and support for the 107 who did Civil Disobedience on March 20, the day President George Bush declared war on Iraq. On December 5, the first 5 were charged and sentenced to seven days in Federal Prison for "Unreasonable, Blocking of the Entrance" of the Federal Building. We knowingly chose to do Civil Disobedience and bear the consequences of our actions. We invite you to be present with us and be a foot soldier for Peace!