Mogar Dal (Mung Beans with Onion & Garlic)
1 cup split mung daal, without skin
4 cups pani (water)
4 tablespoon tel (oil) 
½ teaspoon rai (mustard seeds) 
½ teaspoon jiru (cumin seeds) 
2-3 taj (cloves) 
1” laving (cinnamon) 
1/8 teaspoon hing (asafetida) 
1 suku marchu (whole, dried pepper) 
4-5 leaves mitho limdo
2 kaandaa (onions), chopped
½ teaspoon aadu (ginger), grated
1 lilu marchu (green chili), chopped 
¼ teaspoon marchu (cayenne pepper) 
¼ teaspoon hardar (turmeric) 
1 teaspoon dhaanaa-jiru (powdered coriander & cumin seeds) 
1 tametu (tomato), diced to ½”
1 ½ teaspoon mithu (salt) 
2 tablespoon limbu (lemon juice) 
1 teaspoon saaker (sugar) 
1 tablespoon tel (oil) 
6 clove lasan (garlic), chopped 
  1. In a large pot or pressure cooker, cook the mung daal & water until soft.
  2. In a small pot, heat the oil.
  3. Add the mustard seeds, cumin seeds, cloves, cinnamon, asafetida, whole dried pepper & mitho limdo
  4. Add the onions, ginger & green chili
  5. Add the cayenne pepper, turmeric & coriander-cumin powder.
  6. Sauté until the onions are browned. Add the cooked daal to the onion/spice mixture.Bring the daal to a simmer.
  7. Add tomatoes, salt, lemon juice & sugar.
  8. In another small pot, heat the oil, then the chopped garlic. Sauté until the garlic is browned. Pour over the daal.
  9. Serve over hot cooked rice.
Source: Kokila & Kishor, 16 March 1991